Digital Resilience and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Time of Covid pdf – Yandex indir

Digital Resilience and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Time of Covid pdf – Yandex indir

Green Entrepreneurshıp Perceptıon Of Local Governments In Türkiye
Şeyma Betül Tok – Ali Kahramanoğlu

Socıal Entrepreneurshıp: A Way Towards Sustaınabılıty
David Sharma – Ravi Bhandari
Covıd-19 And Hıgher Educatıon Instıtutıons In Sustaınable Resılıent Recovery: A Case Of Hachınohe Gakuın Unıversıty, Japan
Hiroko Kawamorıta
Basıc Concepts In Entrepreneurshıp And Innovatıon
Bella Gulshan
Socıal Entrepreneurshıp: Defınıtıons, Contexts, Systems And Value
Meriç Bıçakcıoğlu
Latent Socıal Value: Why It Matters For Sustaınable Development Goals?
Muhammad Mohsen Lıaqat
Project Canvas In Entrepreneurhıp
Kürşat Demiryürek – Ahmet Yesevi Koçyiğit
Barrıers To The Refugee Entrepreneurshıp In Türkiye And The Impact Of Covıd-19
Asma Nairi Özen

The Role Of Women In Socıal Entrepreneurshıp
Gulara Hasanova – Kürşat Demiryürek

Digital Resilience and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Time of Covid isimli 218 sayfadan oluşan kitap ; Kolektif tarafından yazılmış ve EFE AKADEMİ YAYINLARI yayınevinin 24.08.2023 tarihinde yayımlanmıştır.

Digital Resilience and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Time of Covid pdf – Yandex indir Kitabımızı buradan indirebilirsiniz.